New Patient Information

Thank you for choosing InStride Capital Foot & Ankle Centers.
Below you can find helpful information regarding your upcoming visit.
Scheduling & Registration
Step 1
Step 2
Clear Pricing Policy
Know The Cost of Your Care!
We have an in-house team of insurance experts that can provide you with your insurance costs for any Treatment Plan.
We believe patients deserve to know their cost of care. When you check-in, we explain in detail your insurance company's stated coverage and review your potential costs. We are proud of our transparent pricing model and believe patients should know their coverage.
To get your specific insurance cost, we require an appointment made within 48 hours. The patient will be responsible for costs at the time of service. You can call our office for coverage details before your appointment.

Patient Portal
In Development
Practice Policies
Referrals | Payment | Forms | Medical Records | Patient Privacy
All insurance coverages and referral requirements are the responsibility of the patient.
Your insurance company requires us to collect co-pays and/or other fees to meet your annual deductible. Payment is expected at the time services are rendered. We accept most major credit cards, personal checks, & cash. There will be an additional $10.00 processing fee assessed if co-pays are not paid at the time services are rendered.
If your check is dishonored/returned for any reason, we will electronically debit your account for the amount
of the check + $35 processing fee.
There is a $40.00 fee charged for all paperwork completed by staff or doctors. (i.e. Disability forms, FMLA
paperwork, etc.) Please allow at least 3 business days for these requests.
Requests for copies of medical records: Pursuant to North Carolina code § 90.411 the fee is $10.00 plus 50
cents per page for the first 50 pages; then 25 cents per page thereafter. Any applicable postage fees will also be assessed. There is a $10 fee to copy x-rays to disc. Please allow at least 3 business days for these requests.
NO SHOW POLICY: A $45 charge applies to missed appointments without prior notification within 24 hours.
LATE POLICY: Reappointment may occur if patient arrives greater than 15 minutes after scheduled time slot.